重量 0.02 公斤
尺寸 3.8 × 5.8 × 1.2 公分

Prayer Cross
共有 2 則評價

  1. Maggie Mathieson (已購買)

    I have been so impressed with the overall service I have experienced when purchasing this product. As a pastor I share similar crosses to those I visit in hospital. Having a long standing relationship with the people and land of Palestine, sharing these crosses holds so much more meaning for me. Thank you peacebazaarhk

  2. Candy Sum (已購買)

    收到6cm木十字架,方便放在袋中隨身帶靈修操練時用。很精美,加個小袋後送給姊妹。今天已下單買大一點 9cm幾個,願神祝福Peace Bazzar的事工。


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