Prayer Cross

(1 則顧客評價)


由伯利恆的基督徒工藝家以當地橄欖樹材製作的十字架,可於禱告時置於掌心,或放在口袋裡,安慰、提醒自己「持定所宣認的道」(希伯來書四 14)。




This handheld prayer cross fits into the hand as an aid for prayer, is made from locally sourced olive wood and crafted by Christian artisans in the Bethlehem area.

You can hold on to it during prayers or keep it in your pocket as a comfortable reminder to “hold fast to the faith we profess” (Hebrews 4:14).

Tradition has it that early Christians who were persecuted by the Romans and unable to outwardly display their faith, would hide these crosses in their garments as a constant comfort and reminder in times of trial and difficulty.

The cross is the ultimate symbol of Christian faith, communicating the sacrificial love of God. The cross Jesus died on was an instrument of torture used by the Romans occupying the first-century Holy Land. According to the New Testament, Jesus’ death and resurrection made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with God (Romans 5:8). The cross is thus transformed into a symbol of life and love.

Note: Due to the nature of olive wood and the individuality of the artisans and their processes, every cross is unique and differs slightly from the picture posted

庫存只剩 97


重量 0.06 公斤
尺寸 6.3 × 10.6 × 1.2 公分

Prayer Cross
共有 1 則評價

  1. C Wong (已購買)



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